Raccoon Removal
Looking to get rid of raccoons from an attic? Our state certified technicians specialize in raccoon removal from all scenarios including educated trap smart raccoons from inexperienced trapper attempts. Raccoons are a serious matter when it comes to them residing in a home. Through our years of raccoon removal we have seen damage from structure and electrical due to chewing to insulation and drywall damage from movement and the accumulation of urine and feces. Raccoon feces is very toxic carrying raccoon round worm, a parasite that attacks the central nervous system. Unfortunately their eggs found by the thousands are very sticky, durable and lie dormant for years only being destroyed by burning. One upside to raccoon damage is, it is covered by homeowners insurance. After raccoons are removed from an attic its apparent why the insulation must be replaced as heating and cooling bills will skyrocket. Our Naperville raccoon removal offers full service from complete raccoon removal to clean up and prevention. We pride ourselves in quality raccoon exclusion work that we guarantee from 5-10 years depending on the structure secured to. Once Naperville raccoon removal is completed and the entry points are secure the next steps in raccoon prevention is eliminating access points such as tree branches and eliminating odors left behind. If you are in need of Naperville raccoon removal services and would like a consultation call us today. We are available 24 hours for emergency situations as well.
Raccoon Control
Although most people think problem raccoons will hibernate during the winter the fact is, problem raccoons go dormant for a the coldest days sometimes sleeping 3-5 days in a row but pest raccoons do not sleep the winter out. The best way to get rid of raccoons from your attic during the winter is to wait out the sleeping period and have raccoon traps set near the entry point when the weather begins to break. This is the time nuisance raccoons that are in your home with go out to find food.
How to get rid of Raccoons with mothballs?
Not know to many people wanting to know how to use mothballs to get raccoons out of attics, mothballs are against the law to use for deterring mammals. Also if your want to get a raccoon out of your house by using mothballs you may realize that the smell of mothballs is heavier than air and will make your home smell worse than the attic space itself. Wildlife removal seems very primitive however because of this thought animals all over have been educated on the working of a trap and become “trap smart”. Animals are a lot smarter than most think and will out smart a person if a trap is ignorantly set out. Permits and licensing are required to remove nuisance raccoons from property or inside homes and is best left to trained professionals. If you need pest raccoon removal contact U.S. Wildlife Removal Service for information on how to stop nuisance raccoons from getting in your home or for raccoon trapping services.