Raccoon Damages To Homes

Key TakeawaysRaccoons can cause insulation damage and use it for nesting, leading to reduced energy efficiency and increased utility bills.Raccoons chewing on electrical wires and cables can be costly to repair and pose a fire hazard.Raccoon damage to roofing and...

Do Raccoons Hibernate in Winter?

Key TakeawaysRaccoons do not hibernate in winter, but enter a state of torpor, reducing their metabolic rate.They seek shelter in dens to stay warm and may huddle together in communal dens to share body heat.Raccoons prepare for winter by actively searching for and...

Raccoon Diseases

Key TakeawaysRaccoons can harbor viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections and transmit zoonotic infections to humans.Raccoon roundworm, or Baylisascaris procyonis, is a notable zoonotic infection that can cause severe neurological damage in humans.Some diseases can...

Dead Raccoon Removal

Key TakeawaysSigns of a dead raccoon include foul odor, presence of flies or insects, and systematic search of the area.Safety precautions for removal include wearing protective gear, using long-handled tools, and disposing of the carcass according to local...

Baby Raccoons in Homes

Key TakeawaysBaby raccoons may pose health risks to humans and pets due to the transmission of diseases such as rabies, distemper, and roundworm.Raccoons can cause property damage by destroying insulation, chewing on electrical wiring, and creating nests that can lead...

Are Raccoons Dangerous?

Key TakeawaysRaccoons can exhibit aggressive behavior driven by fear or the need to protect their territory or offspring.Raccoons are carriers of diseases such as rabies, Baylisascaris, and leptospirosis.Raccoons can enter homes, causing damage and carry diseases that...