Raccoon removal and raccoon control areaThe Clarendon Hills raccoon is the most common animal that we handle, probably due to its varied habits and adaptable nature. In natural environments, raccoons occupy woodlands, wetlands, meadows, and so on. Clarendon Hills raccoon will live wherever food, water and shelter are readily available. This flexibility is the reason that raccoons are so numerous in urban locations as well.

Raccoon Removal and Wildlife Removal in Illinois

Clarendon Hills is a village located west of the Chicago Metropolitan Area, in DuPage County, Illinois, United States. Rich in history, this town boasts an attractive and cost-effective location to live, work and raise a family. Located along the banks of Salt Creek, Clarendon Hills is likewise home to raccoons. Fortunately, damage caused by raccoon infestations is usually covered under a home owner insurance policy, however the trapping may not be. Raccoons will defecate and ruin insulation once they have taken up residence in your attic, chimney or wall cavity. U.S. Wildlife Removal Service is your locally trusted expert.

Clarendon Hills Raccoon prevention tips:

Don’t feed them.
Don’t keep your pets food outside.
Keep your garbage inside the garage until garbage day.
Install commercial chimney caps.
Install hardware cloth inside attic vent and openings.
Repair broken, weak or rotted areas on your roof, soffit and fascia.
Before hiring an animal control specialist, verify they have a DNR permit.

Raccoons and Other Wildlife In Attic

Most customers, that call, claim the animal sounds larger than it is. A mouse will sound like a squirrel, a squirrel-like a raccoon and a raccoon-like a human or” Sasquatch”. Raccoons gain entry into attics in a variety of ways. In most cases, they will create costly damage while creating their openings. Raccoons can sense weak spots in your home and take advantage of them. They seem to learn from their parent which is the best method for them.

How to get rid of raccoon poop

Groups of raccoons pick one spot to be the communal defecation area, often referred to as a raccoon latrine. This can pose a problem if that spot happens to be located in your yard, because of the roundworm eggs often carried in raccoon poop. The roundworm’s effect on people can vary from no symptoms at all to severe issues with the eyes or nervous system.

When prevention fails

If preventative measures do not work, there are a number of wildlife control and raccoon removal traps available for Clarendon Hills raccoon control. However, traps often require a permit, and measures must then be taken to release the animals in a safe, unpopulated area. It is usually best to call in a professional when raccoons have invaded your home. Get rid of Clarendon Hills raccoons the right way us. We offer plans to help you remove raccoons and keep them out.